How To Get Rid Of A Tension Headache – Diagnosis And Treatment

A tension headache is the most common type of headache. It’s usually caused by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, or head. Stress, anxiety, tension, and fatigue can make tension headaches worse. And they can be aggravated by hunger, dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, or eye strain.

how to get rid of a tension headache.

So How Can You Get Rid Of A Tension Headache?

The first step is to determine the cause of your headaches. If you suspect that stress or anxiety may be contributing to your headaches, try practicing some relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or meditation to help manage and reduce your symptoms.

If you think that dehydration or hunger might be contributing to your headaches, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and eating regular, healthy meals throughout the day.

If eye strain is a factor for you, try using artificial tears or taking breaks from looking at screens to give your eyes some rest.

Beyond these lifestyle changes, there are also some over-the-counter medications and natural remedies that can help to relieve your tension headaches. For example, you may find relief from a headache by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or aspirin. And some herbal remedies like ginkgo Biloba, feverfew, and white willow bark may help to reduce both the frequency and severity of your headaches.

Presented by – Orthobiologics Associates

If none of these treatments seem to be helping to relieve your tension headaches, it’s important to speak with your doctor about other possible treatment options. He or she may recommend prescription medications or even alternative therapies like acupuncture or biofeedback in order to get rid of your headaches for good. So if you’re struggling with frequent or persistent tension headaches, be sure to talk to your doctor about how you can find relief.

get rid of a tension headache

How To Identify The Cause Of Your Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. They can be caused by a number of things, such as stress, anxiety, poor posture, and eyestrain. If you’re experiencing regular tension headaches, it’s important to identify the root cause so that you can take steps to eliminate them. Here are a few tips on how to identify the cause of your tension headache.

The first step in identifying the cause of your tension headache is to pay attention to when and how frequently you experience them. Are they tied to any specific activities or situations, such as work stress or a particular activity that you engage in regularly? If so, try to identify what might be triggering these headaches.

Another important factor to consider is how you are feeling emotionally. Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? These emotions can often result in tension headaches due to increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. If this seems to be the case for you, try incorporating some relaxation techniques into your daily routines, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation.

In addition to paying attention to how you are feeling emotionally and how often you experience tension headaches, it is also important to consider how you are taking care of your body. Are you getting enough sleep? Is your posture good and free of strain? If not, these factors can also contribute to tension headaches. To manage your symptoms and prevent further headaches, make sure to exercise regularly, get plenty of rest, and maintain good posture when sitting or standing.

By taking the time to understand what might be causing your tension headaches and making some simple changes to how you take care of yourself, you can reduce or eliminate these painful and distracting symptoms. With a little patience and persistence, you’ll be on your way to relief from this common problem.


10 foods that can aggravate tension headaches

A tension headache is a common type of headache that is usually described as a feeling of pressure or tightness around the head. While the cause of tension headaches is not fully understood, there are certain foods that have been known to aggravate them. Here are 10 foods that can aggravate tension headaches and how to avoid them.


Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda are often identified as triggers for tension headaches. To avoid these drinks when you have a headache, try replacing them with other non-caffeinated options like water or herbal tea.


Consuming too much alcohol has been shown to trigger tension headaches in some people. To reduce your risk of experiencing this side effect, try limiting how much alcohol you consume on a daily basis and always drinking responsibly.

Processed Foods

Foods that are highly processed or high in added sugars can cause blood sugar levels to spike, leading to feelings of stress and tension that may worsen your headache symptoms. To avoid this effect, be sure to limit your consumption of pre-packaged foods, fried foods, and sweets.

Red Meat

Some studies have shown that eating large amounts of red meat can trigger tension headaches in some people. To minimize this risk, try replacing at least half of your servings of red meat with lean protein sources like chicken or fish.

Dairy Products

Foods containing dairy often contain high levels of histamine, which has been shown to contribute to inflammation and worsen tension headache symptoms. If you are prone to tension headaches, it may be a good idea to eat a low-dairy diet or consume dairy in moderation when possible.

Fried Foods And Fatty Meats

Like processed foods, fried foods and fatty meats are often high in unhealthy trans fats, which can cause inflammation and worsen tension headache symptoms. To reduce your chances of experiencing a headache, try replacing these foods with healthier sources of fat, like nuts or seeds.


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that has been linked to migraines and headaches in some people. If you have frequent tension headaches, it may be best to avoid products that contain aspartame, such as diet soda or sugar-free candy.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

Monosodium glutamate is another common food additive that has been shown to trigger migraines and other types of headaches in some people. To reduce your risk of experiencing this side effect, try limiting your intake of processed foods and other MSG-containing products.

Pickles And Sauerkraut

Fermented foods like pickles and sauerkraut contain high levels of histamine, which has been shown to aggravate tension headaches in some people. If you are prone to tension headaches, it may be best to avoid these foods or consume them in moderation when possible.

Nitrates And Nitrites

Nitrate is a common food preservative that can contribute to inflammation and the worsening of tension headache symptoms. To minimize this risk, try limiting your intake of cured meats like hot dogs and bacon, as well as sauces or condiments containing nitrates or nitrites, such as ketchup or steak sauce. By avoiding these foods, you may be able to reduce the severity and frequency of your tension headaches.


There are many ways to get rid of a tension headache depending on what will work best for you specifically. If you have chronic tension headaches, it’s best to consult with your doctor so they can help rule out any other potential causes of your headaches and develop a more comprehensive treatment plan that may include medication or other therapies in addition to self-care measures like those mentioned above.

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