How To Stretch Your Back To Reduce Pain And Build Strength

Most people don’t realize how important it is to stretch their backs. Just like any other muscle in your body, your back needs to be stretched on a regular basis in order to stay healthy. Stretching your back can help relieve pain, improve your range of motion, and prevent injuries. Here is how to stretch your back:

There are a number of different ways that you can stretch your back.

how to stretch your back

1. Child’s Pose:

This is a basic yoga pose that is often used as a resting position. However, it can also be used as a gentle back stretch. To do this, start on your hands and knees. Then, slowly lower your bottom down towards your heels while keeping your arms extended in front of you. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2. Cat-Cow Stretch:

This is another simple yoga pose that is great for stretching the back muscles. Start on your hands and knees with your spine in a neutral position. As you inhale, arch your spine up towards the ceiling into the cat position. As you exhale, round your spine down towards the floor into the cow position. Repeat this 10 times.

3. Seated Spinal Twist:

This stretch is great for relieving tension in the back. To do it, sit on the ground with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the ground next to your left thigh. Next, take your left hand and place it on the outside of your right knee. Finally, twist your torso to the right, looking over your right shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute before repeating on the other side.

stretch your back

4. Cobra Pose:

This yoga pose is excellent for strengthening the muscles in the back. To do it, lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your palms flat on the ground next to your chest. As you inhale, slowly lift your head, chest, and upper back off of the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering back down. Repeat 10 times.

5. Superman Pose:

This is a great stretch for the lower back muscles. To do it, lie face down on the ground with your legs extended straight behind you and your arms extended straight in front of you. As you inhale, lift both your legs and arms off of the ground at the same time. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds before lowering back down. Repeat 10 times.

Stretching your back on a regular basis can help relieve pain, improve your range of motion, and prevent injuries. Incorporate some of these stretches into your daily routine to keep your back healthy and strong.

Is It Good To Stretch A Hurt Back?

It’s important to keep your back stretched and limber, especially if you tend to spend a lot of time sitting at a desk. You can do some simple stretches at home that will help loosen up your back and prevent pain.


Stretching is an important part of maintaining a healthy body, yet many people neglect to stretch regularly, myself included! If you’re looking for a way to improve flexibility and reduce pain, I highly recommend adding some regular stretching into your routine and these three stretches are a great place to start. Give them a try next time you need a break from work or workouts!

Additionally, if you have any recent injuries or chronic pain, please consult with a physical therapist or doctor before beginning any new stretching routine. And as always, listen to your body and stop if something doesn’t feel right.

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