If a warm smile is the universal language of kindness, imagine what a white and shiny smile can achieve. Having perfectly polished teeth makes you immediately more attractive and more self-confident. In fact, 6 out of 10 Americans believe that with whiter teeth, they will have a boost in their self-confidence – and that relates significantly to the younger population 18 – 24 age range. And self-esteem is not the only reason to make people want a whiter set of teeth. There are also 6 more reasons why crystal white is such a powerful colour. Let’s go over the list.

Enhance the Appearance

Apart from boosting your self-confidence, teeth whitening does wonders for your overall appearance. Have you ever seen a Hollywood celebrity with yellow teeth on the red carpet? Can you imagine how the beautiful actresses would look like with their evening gowns and a set of yellow teeth? The truth is, white teeth give an immediate boost of the looks as well. You instantly become more attractive, more appealing, and nice to look at. White teeth are, perhaps, the secret ingredient for being charming.

White teeth + healthy teeth = the whole package

You can have healthy teeth, but not necessarily will they be white as well. And some kinds of foods and drinks like coffee, tea, soda, red wine can do really nasty staining on your perfectly healthy teeth, making you look like you don’t take care of them at all. In order to avoid this, whitening your teeth is the next smart move you need to do. With the proper whitening procedure, your teeth will look healthy and beautiful, too.

Hide other facial imperfections

It may sound strange, but it is scientifically proven that people will focus primarily on your white teeth when looking at your face and ignoring the other features. So, if you are self-conscious about acne scars, wrinkles, or other issues with your face, whiten your teeth right away. People will look at your face, and all they can notice is your beautiful white teeth.

Over-the-counter Products Don’t Cost a lot

You have probably heard that doing teeth whitening at the dentist’s office might cost you a small fortune. While this is true (as these procedures are not a one-time thing and each of them cost thousands of dollars per appointment), there are other ways you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home. You can only consult the dentist about the product or how to apply the already chosen product and do it on your own, thus saving money, time, and energy.

You can find different brands that offer teeth whitening products in the nearest drugstore or online such as the Opalescence teeth whitening products that are among the best ones on the market. The most important thing is to follow the instructions word per word, as you might end up damaging the teeth if you do it otherwise. So, buy your most promising product, read the instructions related to dosage and application, and whiten away your teeth!

Minimize the Effects of Ageing

As aging is an inevitable process, all you can do is calmly accept the changes with your body and use all the tools you can to make the most of it. As the teeth get old, the tooth enamel starts wearing down, and the dentin becomes more exposed, which signifies the start of discoloration and sensitivity problems. By whitening your teeth, you can offset the effects of aging and manage to prolong the life of your beautiful and healthy smile.

Stop smoking

Here is another exciting reason to whiten your teeth – to stop smoking! If you are trying to quit smoking and can’t cope with the stress it brings with it, whiten your teeth, and you will be a step closer to achieving your goal. Your teeth’ new condition will make you take a step back from spoiling the new, shiny look of your teeth.

To sum up

Teeth whitening can be a pretty discovering experience for you. You will immediately feel better, more attractive, and with improved oral hygiene. Also, you will be able to get more dates, more job interviews and share happiness around you with your smile. Just make sure you do it the right way, following the appropriate instructions that refer specifically to you.